What's your favourite sea animal?

Marine life is not one of the things I am very knowledgeable about, but there are some creatures that I like and might be my favorite animals.

In the first place are all the species of clown fish.

In second place are sea snakes. They are very venomous, but I find them very interesting.

And in third place would be all the blue-ringed octopus species. Honestly, the first time I saw them they seemed very impressive creatures since they seem harmless but they are very dangerous.

Now, it’s your turn!

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When it comes to marine life, I’ve always been a hugeeee shark nerd. Even though picking just one is kinda challenging, I’m gonna have to go with the Leopard Epaulette Shark (Hemiscyllium michaeli). Such a beautiful and cool creature!

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Very nice and interesting!

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Maite, you gotta watch this (if you’re into sea snakes)

As for me? Good question. Hmm. Im leaning towards hawkfish, because i was lucky enough to have one as a kid. There are so many good ones, dude.


1st place dolphins of all types from bottle nose to orcas as i could spend hours watching them, 2nd place the giant pacific octopus, 3rd place bobbit worms just because they are scary



Bobbit worms are pure nightmare fuel.

If you identify them as a favorite, what does that say about you? Haha :-:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My favorite sea creatures would probably have to be the cephalopods. I know they’re low hanging fruit, but come on. Shapeshifting abilities, color changing, advanced intelligence, and a siphon?? Come ooooon they’re the coolest.

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Its a fascination thing, they have been known to live in aquariums for years without being noticed, 3 -10 feet long, hairs along the length of its body that are painful and can cause permanant nerve damage and the jaws on them are scary. The 3rd choice was between them and either salt water crocs or banded sea kraits.

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