Tales From The Galapagos -TWTUG 66

Originally published at: Tales From The Galapagos -TWTUG 66 | The Wild Times Podcast

This week we discuss Forrest’s next adventures. PLUS we look back on some behind the scenes stuff from Fern and the Galapagos AND the top 10 weirdest looking animals.


I’ve been wanting to know about this ever since i saw your Fernandina show. It never made sense how the press about the Fernandina discovery made zero mention of Forrest or Animal Planet. Now i understand. Even at the time i knew SOMETHING was amiss, but i figured there was a Galapagos Park Agent standing right out of view, and it was always THEIR expedition and mostly THEIR funding. Sounds like i was quite mistaken. Anybody know if there were Galapagos Park naturalists on the island ?